Tuscany catholic community

Introducing our Catholic Socialist Community in rural Tuscany

We are thrilled to announce the establishment of our Catholic Socialist Community in the beautiful rural region of Tuscany. Our community operates on the principles of democratic socialism, where dialogue and discussion based on the teachings of the Gospel are paramount.

Our Catholic Socialist Community is a welcoming space where individuals who share both the Catholic faith and a socialist vision can come together, connect, and live out their faith authentically. We believe that the intersection of Catholic spirituality and socialist principles can lead to a deeper understanding of the social and economic challenges we face.

Within our community, dialogue and discussion play a central role. Grounded in the words of the Gospel, we explore and reflect upon issues related to social justice, equality, solidarity, and environmental stewardship. We are committed to creating an inclusive environment where every voice is heard and respected.

Our community thrives in the rural setting of Tuscany, abundant with natural beauty and cultural traditions. This context provides a unique opportunity to live in harmony with nature and promote environmental sustainability. We strive to share resources, knowledge, and practices that foster a sustainable and eco-friendly way of life.

Joining our Catholic Socialist Community in Tuscany means gaining access to a stimulating environment where open and respectful dialogue is encouraged. Together, we will explore how to integrate Catholic principles of charity, compassion, and solidarity with socialist ideas to create a more just and equitable world.

We invite you to become a part of our Catholic Socialist Community in Tuscany. Discover the power of connecting with like-minded individuals who share your Catholic faith, socialist principles, and a passion for building a fairer society. Together, we can inspire one another, promote social change, and work towards a vision of a more just and compassionate world.

To join our community you must be a baptized, practicing Catholic and want to share your values ​​with like-minded people. There will be a flat tax of 10% for every good and service and the money raised will go towards making the community even better.

Phase 1

Time left to join the community

Edit community

Short catchy title that describes the main feature of the community
Describe the vision you have for this community, what it can offer and why it is needed, what kind of life you envision, what kind of rules, what kind of dynamics, etc... You can, and you should, write quite a bit in this section.
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Add job post

Explain who you are, what you are looking for, etc...
This is address will be visible to all members

What properties do you need?

To better plan the development of the community we need to know the details of the residential and business properties you are looking for.

Property type
Residential type *
Use CTRL to multiple selection
What's the business? *
Describe it with three words or less
Business type *
Indoor area (sqm) *
Outdoor area (sqm) *
Rooms *
Family members
Contract type *
Max Budget (USD) *

Monthly rent


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