We are a group of individuals who have been inspired by the principles of Pierre-Joseph Proudhon and Peter Kropotkin, and we are eager to establish a community in the great state of Texas based on their teachings. We believe in the ideals of mutual aid, voluntary cooperation, and decentralized decision-making.
In our envisioned community, we propose a set of rules and guidelines that reflect our commitment to autonomy, equality, and solidarity. Here are some key principles that would shape our community:
-Voluntary Association: Participation in the community is based on voluntary association, with individuals joining and contributing based on their own free will.
-Mutual Aid: We encourage a culture of mutual aid, where members support one another in times of need, pooling resources and knowledge to promote the well-being of all.
-Collective Decision-Making: Decisions within the community are made collectively, ensuring that all voices are heard and that everyone has an equal opportunity to contribute to the decision-making process.
-Shared Resources: We advocate for the equitable distribution of resources within the community, recognizing that everyone's basic needs should be met, while also promoting responsible stewardship of natural resources.
-Non-Hierarchical Structures: We reject hierarchical power structures and aim to foster a community where power is decentralized and decision-making authority is shared among all members.
-Environmental Sustainability: We are committed to living in harmony with nature, promoting sustainable practices and minimizing our ecological footprint.
-Education and Self-Development: We value lifelong learning and encourage education as a means of personal and collective growth. We strive to create an environment that nurtures intellectual curiosity and critical thinking.
-Respect for Diversity: We celebrate diversity and foster an inclusive community that respects and embraces individuals of all backgrounds, cultures, and identities.
By living according to these principles, we aim to create a community that embodies the values of Proudhon and Kropotkin, where individuals can experience freedom, equality, and solidarity in their daily lives.
Together, let us forge a path towards a more just, sustainable, and compassionate future.
Time left to join the community
- Host state: United States of America
- Location: Rural area
- Languages: Indifferent, English
- Ethnicity: Indifferent
- Politics: Anarcho-Communism
- Religion: Indifferent
- Eating habits: Indifferent
- Vaccination: Voluntary