Sororis Trenton (New Jersey)

Welcome to the community of Sororis, a unique and special place where women can connect, grow, and support each other. Sororis is an exclusively female association founded with the goal of creating a safe and inclusive space for all women. Here, women can freely express their ideas, engage in open discussions, and work together to achieve common goals.

The rules of Sororis are designed to promote the empowerment of women and ensure that all participants feel safe and respected. To become a part of the community, an annual membership fee is required, which helps cover operational costs and supports the group's activities.

Within the Sororis community, all decisions are made in assembly, where every member has a voice and vote. This allows for a collaborative and inclusive environment, where all women's opinions and experiences are taken into consideration.

Some of the rules of Sororis may include:

-No access for individuals identifying as male or biological male: In common areas, including spaces and environments, the presence of men is prohibited to ensure the privacy and safety of women.
-Prohibition of inviting male friends or relatives: To maintain the integrity of the female space, participants are required not to invite male friends or relatives into the community.
-Mutual respect: All participants are expected to treat each other with respect and consideration, promoting a harmonious and welcoming environment.
-Support and solidarity: The women of Sororis support each other in challenges and victories, fostering a strong sense of community and solidarity.

+it is mandatory to be vaccinated against covid so as not to endanger the health of the sisters

The name "Sororis" is derived from the Latin word "soror," meaning "sister." It represents the idea of an extended family of women, united by common values of feminism, sisterhood, and gender equality. Sororis reflects the importance of providing an environment where women can freely express themselves, explore their potential, and create positive change in society.

In conclusion, Sororis is a unique community that offers an exclusively female environment, where women can connect, engage, and build meaningful relationships. Through personal and collective empowerment, Sororis aims to promote gender equality and create a more inclusive future for all.

Phase 1

Time left to join the community

Edit community

Short catchy title that describes the main feature of the community
Describe the vision you have for this community, what it can offer and why it is needed, what kind of life you envision, what kind of rules, what kind of dynamics, etc... You can, and you should, write quite a bit in this section.
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Add job post

Explain who you are, what you are looking for, etc...
This is address will be visible to all members

What properties do you need?

To better plan the development of the community we need to know the details of the residential and business properties you are looking for.

Property type
Residential type *
Use CTRL to multiple selection
What's the business? *
Describe it with three words or less
Business type *
Indoor area (sqm) *
Outdoor area (sqm) *
Rooms *
Family members
Contract type *
Max Budget (USD) *

Monthly rent


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