Serenity Spring California

Welcome to Serenity Springs, a Protestant community committed to establishing a church and fostering a small local economy based on agriculture and commerce. Our community's primary goal is to create an environment in accordance with the will of the Lord, where individuals can experience the joys of living in a close-knit community with like-minded people of faith.

Serenity Springs is a sanctuary that offers a refuge from the influences of a society saturated with media and what some perceive as morally conflicting cultures, including the LGBT community. We aim to provide a nurturing and wholesome environment, particularly for children, shielding them from the negative aspects of mainstream culture.

Nestled in a peaceful and natural setting, Serenity Springs is an ideal haven where faith, community, and sustainability intertwine. Our community members engage in organic farming, tending to the land with reverence for God's creation. We embrace simplicity, self-sufficiency, and the interconnectedness of all living beings.

To become part of Serenity Springs, individuals who share our beliefs and values are invited to express their interest through an application process. This includes attending introductory sessions to learn more about our community's principles, participating in regular worship services, and engaging in community activities and events. Prospective members are encouraged to contribute actively to the growth and well-being of the community, sharing their skills and talents in various areas such as agriculture, craftsmanship, teaching, and more.

Serenity Springs places great importance on fellowship and mutual support among its members. We believe that community is vital for strengthening faith and providing a support system through life's challenges. By fostering genuine relationships and meaningful interactions, we strive to create an environment where individuals can experience a deep sense of belonging and spiritual growth.

Join us at Serenity Springs, where we aspire to live out our shared beliefs, cultivate the land, and nurture a vibrant, God-centered community. Together, we can create a haven of peace, love, and fellowship while positively impacting the world around us.

Phase 1

Time left to join the community

Edit community

Short catchy title that describes the main feature of the community
Describe the vision you have for this community, what it can offer and why it is needed, what kind of life you envision, what kind of rules, what kind of dynamics, etc... You can, and you should, write quite a bit in this section.
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Add job post

Explain who you are, what you are looking for, etc...
This is address will be visible to all members

What properties do you need?

To better plan the development of the community we need to know the details of the residential and business properties you are looking for.

Property type
Residential type *
Use CTRL to multiple selection
What's the business? *
Describe it with three words or less
Business type *
Indoor area (sqm) *
Outdoor area (sqm) *
Rooms *
Family members
Contract type *
Max Budget (USD) *

Monthly rent


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