Libertopia (Eindhoven ancap community)

This is Libertopia, an anarcho-capitalist community nestled in the picturesque landscapes of  Eindhoven (Netherlands). Libertopia embodies the principles of individual liberty, voluntary exchange, and free markets, creating a haven for those seeking personal freedom, limited government intervention, and boundless opportunities for individual growth.

To become a part of Libertopia, aspiring members can follow a straightforward process. First, prospective residents must demonstrate a commitment to upholding the values of personal freedom and voluntary interactions. This can be accomplished through an application that highlights one's understanding of anarcho-capitalist principles and their desire to contribute positively to the community.

Upon acceptance, Libertopia residents are granted exclusive access to a thriving ecosystem built on private property rights and voluntary transactions. Here, individuals are encouraged to unleash their entrepreneurial spirit and embark on their business ventures. The absence of burdensome regulations and government interference ensures a level playing field where innovation and competition flourish.

In Libertopia, each member has the liberty to forge their own path, pursue their passions, and enjoy the direct fruits of their labor. Resources are efficiently allocated as the community embraces the unrestricted market forces, resulting in a diverse and vibrant marketplace teeming with economic growth and prosperity.

The rules within Libertopia revolve around safeguarding property rights and enforcing contracts. The community holds the principles of voluntarism and consent in high regard, emphasizing that all agreements and transactions are entered into willingly. In the rare event of disputes, private arbitration or dispute resolution mechanisms are in place to ensure fair and just outcomes.

Driven by the twin forces of competition and voluntary cooperation, Libertopia fosters an environment where individuals are free to associate and collaborate based on their interests and preferences. Entrepreneurship, innovation, and meritocracy are celebrated, creating a nurturing space for every member to thrive and reach their full potential.

While the absence of a government presence might raise questions about social services and welfare, Libertopia has found innovative solutions. Social support is primarily provided by private entities and voluntary associations that champion charity and mutual aid. Members are encouraged to contribute voluntarily to these endeavors, ensuring that support is tailored and diverse, and reflecting the community's commitment to self-reliance and compassionate individualism.

So, if you yearn for a community that embraces the boundless possibilities of anarcho-capitalism, where personal freedom and free markets reign supreme, look no further than Libertopia. Join us in building a society where individual liberties and voluntary interactions shape the future, and where the pursuit of prosperity is limited only by your imagination.

Phase 1

Time left to join the community

Edit community

Short catchy title that describes the main feature of the community
Describe the vision you have for this community, what it can offer and why it is needed, what kind of life you envision, what kind of rules, what kind of dynamics, etc... You can, and you should, write quite a bit in this section.
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Add job post

Explain who you are, what you are looking for, etc...
This is address will be visible to all members

What properties do you need?

To better plan the development of the community we need to know the details of the residential and business properties you are looking for.

Property type
Residential type *
Use CTRL to multiple selection
What's the business? *
Describe it with three words or less
Business type *
Indoor area (sqm) *
Outdoor area (sqm) *
Rooms *
Family members
Contract type *
Max Budget (USD) *

Monthly rent


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