Comunidad Progresista Valenciana

The Comunidad Progresista Valenciana (CPV) is a vibrant community based in the city of Valencia, Spain. Drawing inspiration from the economic model of Marinaleda, the CPV aims to raise awareness about the importance of progressivism. With a strong commitment to social justice and equality, the CPV strives to create an inclusive and empowering environment for its members.

Community Objectives:

Social Equality: The CPV is dedicated to addressing social inequalities by implementing policies that ensure equal access to essential services such as healthcare, education, and housing. It seeks to build a society where every individual can flourish and achieve their full potential.
Economic Equity: Following the principles of Marinaleda's economic model, the CPV aims to establish economic equity through progressive taxation and wealth redistribution. By implementing fair economic policies, it endeavors to narrow the wealth gap and foster a more just and balanced economy.
Democratic Participation: The CPV believes in the power of participatory democracy. It actively engages its members in decision-making processes, allowing their voices to be heard and fostering a sense of ownership and empowerment among the community.
Sustainability and Renewable Energy: Committed to environmental sustainability, the CPV promotes the adoption of renewable energy sources and green technologies. By encouraging the use of solar and wind energy and implementing eco-friendly practices, it aims to reduce its carbon footprint and create a more sustainable future.
Inclusivity and Diversity: The CPV values and celebrates diversity in all its forms. It strives to create an inclusive environment where individuals from different backgrounds, genders, and sexual orientations can thrive and contribute to the growth of the community.
Through its objectives, the Comunidad Progresista Valenciana (CPV) aims to serve as a beacon of progressivism, inspiring and influencing broader society while fostering a nurturing and equitable environment for its members.

Phase 1

Time left to join the community

Edit community

Short catchy title that describes the main feature of the community
Describe the vision you have for this community, what it can offer and why it is needed, what kind of life you envision, what kind of rules, what kind of dynamics, etc... You can, and you should, write quite a bit in this section.
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Add job post

Explain who you are, what you are looking for, etc...
This is address will be visible to all members

What properties do you need?

To better plan the development of the community we need to know the details of the residential and business properties you are looking for.

Property type
Residential type *
Use CTRL to multiple selection
What's the business? *
Describe it with three words or less
Business type *
Indoor area (sqm) *
Outdoor area (sqm) *
Rooms *
Family members
Contract type *
Max Budget (USD) *

Monthly rent


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